'Old Ways' (Final Cut) Release!
Heya people!
After a horrible allergy induced hiatus where the trees spent the last three-or-so weeks trying to kill me, and the result of a number of personal changes in my life, there has been a considerable gap between this and my last post.
But I come bearing gifts! I am proud to release the 'final cut' of our horror short 'Old Ways' for public consumption. This version is, I think, a much more polished product than our original festival release. Extensive re-working of the visual effects scenes, a few tweaks and additions to the scenes and dialogue make this edit the definitive edition of our film. I know there are still some rough edges here and there, hitches in dialogue for example, but the remaining ones are unavoidable without re-shooting some scenes, and that's never going to happen.
Although the final cut was finished months ago, I was considering releasing it to compete in other short-film festivals and, as such, couldn't make it available online. I looked into it extensively, but, for a number of reasons, ultimately decided not to bother pursuing that avenue.
If you have been following this blog, you already know it's my first film production, and I am proud of what we achieved, with so little gear or experience. Myself and my cast and crew are excited to share it with the world and we all hope somebody out there finds it entertaining.
Old Ways (Final Cut) from Jeff Jones on Vimeo.
This is just the beginning, there is much, much more coming.
Until next time,